Earthquake Update: Historic Inn Unaffected

The 6.0 Napa earthquake certainly woke up Calistoga, along with all of Napa Valley and surrounding areas, in an unforgettable way this morning. Our thoughts are with everyone in our community, particularly in Napa and American Canyon, who’ve been profoundly affected by this event.

Here in Calistoga, 30 miles north of the quake’s epicenter, we were shaken up but thankfully unaffected. The 1860 Brannan Cottage Inn, which will reopen Friday August 29 as planned for its preview following a major renovation and modernization, came through the temblor without so much as a scratch, knock wood. Our sister property a quarter mile away, Comfort Inn Calistoga, was equally lucky and is open for business as usual. Downtown Calistoga luckily shows no signs of impact from the quake.

The news coverage is dramatic and while in some specific areas there was significant damage, it doesn’t reflect much of the Valley. We encourage anyone who has plans to travel to Napa Valley this upcoming holiday weekend to come on ahead. This resilient community is famous not only for its hospitality but its ability to pull together in challenging times, both to support each other and make sure our visitors feel welcome and cared for. We can say with confidence that no matter where you’re staying or going, you’ll have a spectacular time in Napa Valley.

We look forward to seeing you here in Calistoga very soon.